By accessing this site, you agree to volBrain Terms and Conditions of Use, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with them or any applicable laws and regulations.
If you do not agree with any of these terms, you must not access this site. The materials contained in this web site are protected by applicable copyright law.
You need to be registered in order to access the processing tools and to send your data. The uploaded images, data and the generated results will be stored on secured academic servers in France and Spain during 30 days. After these 30 days, all the images, data and the results are deleted forever and cannot be recovered.
During the registration process you can authorize the incorporation of your anonymized image data into the volBrain image database. This non-public image database will be only used for our own research. This will help to improve volBrain performances and to increase the systems accuracy. You can change your sharing preferences at any time in your profile page.